M&A Journey

Assessment & Preparation
Before deciding to sell, you might want answers to these questions: How attractive is your business to buyers, and what sort of valuation can you expect? Are you structured in the most efficient way from a tax and legal perspective? What can you do to improve the likelihood of selling your business?

Engage Professional Advisors
Selling your business is a complex process with legal, tax, and financial elements that need to be addressed properly. We work with our clients and their professional advisors to make sure all of our efforts are coordinated in the best interests of the client.

Confidentiality Agreements
All our work is done in strictest confidence. Information is only shared about your company when three conditions are met. We have pre-qualified the prospect; we have signed a nondisclosure agreement, and you have given us permission to do so.

Marketing & Advertising
Your business needs to be marketed with the right message to the right prospects. Our reach into various markets, niches, and buyer types facilitates efficient and effective marketing of your business. WE do a lot of research into our target market, then directly reach out to the decision-makers. Our reach and frequency are strong.

Screening & Qualification
Nobody has the time to spend on unqualified prospects. We screen them to ensure they have the management and financial capacity to execute a transaction. We don’t want to waste your time, ours, or theirs, and so dig into the qualifying questions early in the process.

Negotiation & Letter of Intent
Once we have found and pre-qualified an interested prospect, and shared basic information about your company with them, we seek to enter into a Letter of Intent, which outlines, at a high level, what a deal will look like. It addresses questions of amount, payment terms, timing of transaction, ongoing role for vendor, and other important details. Once LOI is signed, Due Diligence begins.

Due Diligence
Many buyers have Due Diligence checklists that have more than 300 line items on them. As we like to tell buyers, “warts” aren’t that scary to buyers, but surprises are! Professional buyers will dig into levels of detail you likely haven’t experienced before, and their offer won’t become binding until after they do. Are you prepared to provide that level of detail? We have a good idea of what will be needed and will work with you to prepare it and help the buyer develop the deep understanding of your business that they seek.

Purchase Agreement
Purchase Agreements are lengthy and complex documents. While some people call it “legal stuff” every word in those agreements matters and is a representation, warranty, or commitment of each party to the other. Negotiating the details can be a long and difficult process – there are times you will feel they are pushing too hard and times they will feel the same way about you. Thrust and parry are a necessary part of the process and our experience allows us to guide you through it, and work through the process alongside you or on your behalf.

We remain engaged in the process through closing date, knowing that our job isn’t done until the money is in the bank. Often issues are still being resolved right up til (and sometimes even after) closing day

Transition & Handover
Often the vendor is asked to stay on through a transitionary period with the purchaser. We are often asked to support the seamless transition by providing After Deal Support.